Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Telling the Time in English

Asking for the time: What's the time?  or What time is it?

For answering this question,
Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59, but .
Example: 7.20 - twenty minutes past seven
Example: 7.40 - twenty minutes to eight
The way of saying '15 minutes past' is: a quarter past
The way of saying '15 minutes to' is: a quarter to
Instead of '30 minutes past' we say: half past
Example: 5:30 - half past five



Use o'clock only at the full hour.
You can watch this video for more help and do the online activities about "the time" to practice.

You can work with this activity.