Friday, December 17, 2010

We dance for "La marató de TV3"

Everybody at school Carles III de Sant Carles de la Rapita joined this dance. We sent the video to TV3. It will be broadcasted during the weekend at "La Marató de TV3" TV programme.

Christmas 2010-2011

Children wish you a Happy 2011.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Castanyada 2010

Castanyada curs 2010-11, kids from cicle superior dance traditional songs.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


In the superlative you talk about one thing only and how it is the best, worst, etc. You do not compare two things. The following guidelines apply to the superlative:

1-syllable adjectives: add -est to the adjective (plus the)
  • My sister is the tallest in our family.
  • Yesterday was the coldest day of the year so far.
Note: If the word ends: consonant-vowel-consonant, then the last consonant is usually doubled in the superlative. Examples: big-biggest, fat-fattest, hot-hottest.

2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the -y to -iest (plus the)
  • The richest people are not always the happiest.
  • Which do you think is the easiest language to learn?
  • She's the luckiest person I know.
Beware: Do not confuse adjectives and adverbs. 2-syllable adverbs ending in -y form their superlative with the words the most. Example: Of all the people I know my father drives the most quickly (quickliest).

Other 2-syllable adjectives: use the most with the unchanged adjective
  • The most boring thing about ESL class is doing grammar exercises.
  • My sister is the most careful person I know.
Note: The superlative of some shorter 2-syllable adjectives can be formed with -er. Examples: simple-simplest, clever-cleverest, narrow-narrowest. To be sure which superlative method to use, you will need to consult a good dictionary.

Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use the most with the unchanged adjective
  • Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language.
  • Albert Einstein was the most intelligent person in history.
  • My most enjoyable class is English.
  • You are the most irritating person I have ever met!
Following are two common irregular comaparative/superlative forms:
  • good-better-the best
  • bad-worse-the worst

The following guidelines apply to the comparative/superlative of mostadverbs:

1-syllable adverbs: add -er/-est
  • I can run faster than you. / I can run the fastest in my class.
  • She works harder than me.† / She works the hardest of all students.

Other adverbs: use more / the most*
  • She ran more quickly than me.† / Of all the students she ran the most quickly.
* In informal English it is common to hear the adjectival comparative/superlative form of two-syllable adverbs. For example: She ran quicker than me.† | She ran the quickest.
† Many educated English speakers prefer to use the nominative plus a verb rather than the accusative in such comparative sentences, especially in formal situations. They say, for example, My sister is taller than I am. or She ran more quickly than I did.The alternative, omitting the verb as in the following examples, is considered to be even more formal and is avoided by most British English speakers: My sister is taller than I. orShe ran more quickly than I.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Comparative is the name for the grammar used when comparing two things. The two basic ways to compare are using as .. as or than. Examples of each are shown below:
  • She's twice as old as her sister.
  • He's not as stupid as he looks!
  • I'm almost as good in maths as in science.
  • This book is not as exciting as the last one.
  • The cafeteria is not as crowded as usual.
  • Russian is not quite as difficult as Chinese.
  • This computer is better than that one.
  • She's stronger at chess than I am.
  • It's much colder today than it was yesterday.
  • Our car is bigger than your car.
  • This grammar topic is easier than most others.
  • I find science more difficult than mathematics.
  • Today's ESL lesson was more interesting than usual.
Note: In each of the example sentences above, the comparative form of the adjective is shown. See the foot of this page for information about the comparison of adverbs.
When comparing with as .. as, the adjective does not change. When comparing with than, however, some changes are necessary, depending on the number of syllables the adjective has:

1-syllable adjectives: add -er to the adjective
  • My sister is much taller than me.†
  • It's colder today than it was yesterday.
Note: If the word ends: consonant-vowel-consonant, then the last consonant is usually doubled in the comparative. Examples: big-bigger, fat-fatter, hot-hotter.

2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the -y to -ier
  • She's looking happier today.
  • This grammar topic is easier than the last one.
  • Why is everyone else luckier than me? †
Beware: Do not confuse adjectives and adverbs. 2-syllable adverbs ending in -y must be compared with the word more. Example: I drive more quickly (quicklier) than my brother.

Other 2-syllable adjectives: use more with the unchanged adjective
  • The shops are always more crowded just before Christmas.
  • Is there anything more boring than reading about grammar?
  • My sister is more careful with her writing than I am with mine.
Note: The comparative of some shorter 2-syllable adjectives can be formed with -er. Examples: simple-simpler, clever-cleverer, narrow-narrower. To be sure which comparative method to use, you will need to consult a good dictionary.

Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use more with the unchanged adjective
  • Spanish grammar is more difficult than English grammar.
  • My sister is much more intelligent than me.†
  • I find maths lessons more enjoyable than science lessons.
  • The older you get, the more irritating you become.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cambridge Summer Course 2010

From August 1st till 14th. The video includes the trips to Ely, Cambridge lessons, music in pubs, London, Oxford and some curiosities experienced in the UK.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blue Week 2010.

Setmana blava 2010 CEIP Carles III.
Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Cicle Superior.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

El dia 27 d'Abril anem al teatre!!

El Dimarts 27 d'Abril anirem al Masset a veure un obra de teatre en anglès de la companyia Blue Mango Theater:

L'obra es titula "Super Sue" i tracta la temàtica i el reciclatge.
Conta l'història de Alice, una noia normal que va a escola, però que no segueix gaire les normes de estalvi i reciclatge. Super Sue es trobarà amb ella per ajudarla a conservar millor el nostre entorn i planeta, però Alice també es trobarà un altre personatge més obscur que tractarà de convèncer-la del contrari....

Recordeu que a la representació hi ha cançons, ball, coreografies i podrem preguntar coses als actors i actrius en acabar!! Segur que ho passem molt bé!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Carnestoltes 2010

Carnestoltes 2010 street cry.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Peace Day 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Peace Day 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Science in English. 2010

Science in English 2010 at Escola Carles Tercer, Sant Carles de la Ràpita.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quico el Celio visits CEIP Carles III

Quico el Celio is a folksinger. He uses "jota" genre of music to write and sing his songs. He also sings other popular themes from traditional "jota" folklore. We can see in these two videos how he explains the structure of the songs to the pupils of Cicle Superior, CEIP Carles III, Sant Carles de la Rapita.